I won't lie. Last week was a little rough. Ellie was sick with a cold and an ear infection for most of the week and seeing as she's already the queen of mood swings this was not good news. By the end of the week I was ready to have a major meltdown and was starting to believe that I really was "the meanest mom ever". Consequently, it was so refreshing to have a little break this past weekend as I traveled to St. George with my parents for Mic and Libby's sealing. I am so happy for them and so grateful to have a wonderful husband who watched the kids all weekend so that I could be there (including taking four kids to Stake Conference yesterday all by his lonesome--yes, you should be impressed!) I love you Ben!
So I started out this week spiritually, emotionally and physically rejuvinated and ready to be a mom again. I have been waiting to make these cute little turkey cupcakes all year ever since my friend Holly gave me the idea last Thanksgiving. So the kids and I had fun decorating them for FHE tonight and we ended up with so many that we had to take them around to some of the neighbors (who knew that one cake mix makes like 80 mini cupcakes?).

Brigham snitching candy corn---this kid's into everything!

Here are my cute little turkeys with the finish product.