I absolutely love Valentine's Day! I don't know what it is, but it has always been one of my favorite holidays. Of course, I had all sorts of grandiose plans about what I was going to do for Valentine's Day. I did make my traditional sugar cookies--which ended up in the freezer so that I could take them visiting teaching on a week when I wasn't so insanely busy. I did help with both girls' school parties. In fact, I ended up being more involved than I probably would have liked, but it was a lot of fun and both parties, I thought, were a success. I did make two of the three headbands for the girls' that I planned on making. I did chocolate dip cinnamon bears to give to the girls' teachers and make treat sacks for my primary class. And I did make a HUGE Valentine's Breakfast for my wonderful family after which I was totally wiped out from my very busy and very eventful week! It was all good, though. Ben and I went out with my parents to their stake's Valentine's Dance on Friday night and it snowed all day Saturday plus our plans to go to the temple were cancelled due to the fact that we found out it was closed for cleaning. So we took it easy all day on Saturday, brought Cafe Rio home and watched a movie with the fam (which I totally slept through). That sounds totally unromantic, but it was actually really nice. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Ben has the cutest tradition of giving each of the girls their very own flower for Valentine's Day. They love it!

Here's Emma and Eliza wearing their new headbands. (Yes, Eliza did put that dress on first thing in the morning and please don't mind Emma's horribly sad chapped lips. She had a really bad cold all week and they actually looked even worse than they do in this picture.)

Here we are eating our Valentine's breakfast feast! (Seriously, I made enough food to feed an army. What can a say, I'm a pregnant woman with a very healthy appetite!)