Look at that daddy with his cute little kiddies! I tried to be nice and let Ben sleep in on Father's Day, especially since he did his race the same weekend, but the kids were super excited to give him presents and breakfast in bed so I think he slept till about 8:00 am (in our house, that kinda is sleeping in...). The kids had so much fun decorating the wrapping for his presents with stamps, markers and stickers the day before so it really wasn't the presents, but the wrapping that they were excited about. Ben is such a great daddy and he takes such good care of us. I am so lucky to have him!
Of course we made him a special breakfast--raspberry almond stuffed french toast! Yum...

We gave him this cute picture frame with pictures of him and the kids that said "Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy."

The kids made Ben this special Father's Day tie and were so thrilled when he wore it to church and received lots of attention.

We went to parents' house for our Father's day feast and I had to get this picture of me with my dad--isn't he cute? I love you dad!