Ben has ended up being out of town quite a bit this month so my blogging has taken a back burner to all the many other things that I have to do. I'm also reverting back to my old ways a little and have gotten a little lazy about taking pictures. For some reason, my blog is not motivating me to take pictures as much as it used too. I will be better though, I promise!
The kids had a couple of days off of school a few weeks ago so we went to Fat Cats in Ogden for miniature golfing and games. My mom and grandma went with us and so did my little brother, Matt, and his wife which was nice because they left a couple of days later for Mexico where my brother is doing an internship. It was fun hanging out with them a little while they were staying at my parents' house.

I was in a sewing mood a few weeks ago so I made skirts for the girls off of this on-line tutorial: ( I was feeling very projectless after Christmas so this was a fun little something to do!

I've gotten into the habit of browsing the DI (we have a brand new store right here in Harrisville!) while Rachel is at pre-school. I'm not sure it's such a good thing for my pocketbook, but at least everything is a great bargain! They had a whole bunch of brand new designer sunglasses there one day for $2 each. Ben (who goes through sunglasses like crazy) actually stocked up and got like 15 pairs of them. Another day I found three pairs of snow pants for a grand total of $10. They turned out to be a great investment because I've been a little concerned about my kids being cooped up in the house so much lately and since I got the snowpants they've been outside nearly everyday! Best $10 I ever spent!

This is Rachel and Brigham being silly together. These two keep each other entertained while the older two girls are at school.

I spent two whole evenings (after the kids went to bed) making this lovely poster for the girls to refer to while practicing the piano. I was quite proud of myself!

The girls had a piano recital on the 18th of January. It was the first for Eliza and she was a little nervous, but she did such a great job! They each allowed me to "accompany them" on one of their songs, which is always fun for me. I'm so proud of them both!
That's pretty much what we've been up to this month. Ben's been to both Dallas and Pheonix and went on his very first winter camp-out with the deacons. I pretty much told him he just needed to "buck up" because he complained so much prior to the camp-out, but I was definitely glad to be home in my warm bed while he was sleeping out in the snow! Maybe I should be a little more sympathetic next time...
I promise to try to take more pictures--and not the blurry, dark kind that seem to be prevalent in this post!