I know you all probably think I have dropped off the face of the planet, but I have just been so BUSY! Needless to say, taking care of five children without a husband does not leave much room for down time.
Wouldn't ya know it? The fridge started leaking a couple of days after Ben left. The second day I noticed water in the same place and realized that it wasn't just a spill I decided I had better get someone over to fix it. So I called my home teacher and he was kind enough to come over, move the fridge out and discover that there was a tiny leak in the water line. He fixed it and I thought that was the end of my troubles. Unfortunately, I later discovered that this tiny leak caused water damage to the ceiling in the basement and the kitchen floor.
Anyway, long story short, I've spent the last two weeks ripping things up, painting, and doing all sorts of projects I really didn't want to do. Ben was home last weekend and helped me with some of it. I've had to enlist the help of several friends and family members for the rest of it.
In the meantime, not one person has come to see the house and I'm not sure whether I should be concerned that no one is coming or relieved that a potential buyer has not walked in to see my fridge in the living room!
Remind me why I'm doing this again?