Sunday, January 23, 2011
Update on the Spanish Branch
New Year--Old project
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Snow in Snowflake
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Sewing day
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Holiday letter for 2010
Dear Friends and Family,
This has been a busy year full of changes for our family. Here’s what happened in the Barfus household in 2010:
January: Eliza had her first piano recital. Brigham said good-bye to diapers. Ben went on his first and last winter campout with the deacons and interviewed for jobs (much to Mistie’s dismay) in AZ and TX due to lots of lay-offs at ATK.
February: Ben received two job offers—one in Plano, TX working for JC Penney’s and the other in Wilcox, AZ working for EuroFresh Farms. Mistie wanted to chance it and stay in Utah, BUT after lots of fasting and prayer, Ben accepted AZ and we put our house up for sale…AGAIN!!!!!
March: Ben left for AZ leaving behind Mistie and the kids until we could sell the house (again). Mistie and the kids take a road trip with Aunt Jenny to Boise to visit Marcus and Colleen. Due to a leaky fridge, did some unexpected remodeling on our kitchen.
April: Got to have Ben home for a fun Easter/Conference weekend and spent time with Jenny, Marcus and Colleen and Grandma and Grandpa Shelton. Shocked and saddened when Mistie’s brother, Marcus, was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Celebrated Eliza’s 7th birthday (sadly, without daddy).
May: Ben’s work was nice enough to send Ben home for Brigham’s 3rd birthday/Mother’s day/Mistie’s birthday weekend. Sold the house (Yay!). Suffered a BIG loss (Boo!). Kids finished up the school year. Moved to Safford, AZ over Memorial Day weekend along with my brother Matt (also going to work for EuroFresh) and his wife Nikki. Just missed the dedication of the new Gila Valley temple.
June: Rented a big old house with Matt and Nikki living in a studio above the garage. Made some wonderful new friends in our new ward and had fun exploring the Gila Valley. Ben flew back to Utah to run in the Wasatch Back for the third year in a row. Beat the heat by going to the library and playing in the water—a lot!
July: Ben took Brigham on his first Fathers and Sons Campout. Had fun walking to the middle school for free summer lunches. Enjoyed a visit from Aunt Jenny and her boyfriend, Matthew. Got drenched at our first Gila Valley Pioneer Day celebration. Celebrated Ben’s birthday and he received his first pair of cowboy boots. Celebrated Hazel’s first birthday!
August: Ben and Mistie’s 10 year anniversary!!! Emma turned 9 years old. Mistie started homeschooling the kids through Arizona Virtual Academy.
September: Rachel and Eliza started their first season of soccer. Brigham and Mistie joined a Joy School group with some families from our ward. A month into homeschooling, Mistie decided to avoid a nervous breakdown and enrolled the kids in public school.
October: Bought a home in a great neighborhood. Painted the girls’ new room bright green. Moved—again.
November: Beloved brother and uncle, Marcus, passed away on November 5, 2010. “Quick” 40 hour trip to Boise for the funeral. Mistie enjoyed singing in “Women at the Well” program in our ward. Our family received a call to attend and serve in the Spanish branch in our stake. Had Grandma and Grandpa Shelton, Jenny and her now fiancĂ©, Matthew, to our new home for Thanksgiving. Ben and Mistie kicked off Thanksgiving Day by running a 5K with Matt and Nikki.
December: Rachel celebrated her 6th birthday. Enjoyed the beautiful December weather in AZ. Mistie received a call to serve in the YW presidency. Travelled to Utah for the Christmas holiday. Attended Jenny’s wedding in the Mt. Timpanogas temple (yay!).
Whew! We survived and are hoping for a little bit less excitement in the coming year. Through it all we are so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the guidance we receive from our Heavenly Father daily. We love you all and are grateful for your continual love and support. Best wishes for 2011!
Ben, Mistie, Emma, Eliza, Rachel, Brigham and Hazel Barfus