Apparently I didn't get enough of vacation so what else is a girl to do but beg her husband to let her take the kids to Utah and play for a couple of weeks! And, Ben (being the awesome hubby that he is) sensed my need to get away and spend some time with my family so he very sweetly obliged. It was very spur of the moment and we had nothing planned, but that was the beauty of it--a vacation where the main objective is to have fun and relax! I also talked Nikki into driving down with us for moral support so that was nice. She got to visit her family and stock up on stuff for the new baby so it was a win-win situation. Anyway, we packed loads of fun stuff into two weeks and had a great time. Here are some of the highlights:
Playing in the water in Grandma and Grandpa Shelton's backyard

Taking baths in Great Grandma Lofthouse's BIG tub

A picnic at the park for FHE
Swimming at North Shore Pool
Cafe Rio with Rachel and Steve Kelson and cute baby Will (I wish I had gotten a picture!)
Visiting our Barfus Family in Cache Valley (Again, did not make good use of my camera...)
We also did the Dinosaur Park, the Hogle Zoo and the Treehouse Children's Museum , but they each get their own post because there were just
soooo many cute photo opps and, consequently, I have dozens of pictures to share! More to come!