We celebrated another birthday for our sweet Eliza Beth this week. We love this girl so much and are so glad to have her in our family!
Eliza requested cinnamon rolls for her birthday breakfast.
And last, but not least, a chocolate bunny (also from Madison). Can you tell she likes it?
Eliza also got the Dork Diaries books from mom and dad.
And some Polly Pocket stuff from mom and dad.
Here's all the kids enjoying Eliza's birthday presents. She got a pool for Polly Pockets and they've all been in my bathroom everyday since playing with it. Fun times!
Unfortunately, Eliza started feeling icky shortly after she got home from school (notice the yellow puke bowl in the pictures). It didn't put too much of a damper on things though and she was still able to mostly enjoy her birthday. We also had about 20 mutual kids over for cake later on that night (it was a progressive dinner and our house was the last stop). What a party!