I feel kind of bad that I've been such a slacker when it comes to blogging lately. Especially when I downloaded my pictures and realized that I actually have taken quite a few. So I thought I would post some of them and you could all see what I've been so busy with for the past month that I've sorely neglected my blog.
I've been realizing lately what a blessing it is to have three girls who are so close in age. They really are each other's best friends and it's so nice when they are all getting along. I had to snap this picture when we were having one of those happy moments.

This is a pie I lovingly made for Ben to take to our ward's Blue and Gold Banquet. I was pretty pleased with myself.
This was dog #2 that Ben got and then got rid of within the week. (Don't even ask....)
This is Ben and the girls just the other day on their way to "Dads and Doughnuts" at school. They got to have their dad come to school and have doughnuts with them and they thought it was great.

So there's a little bit of what we've been doing the past month. I'm going to try to be better at posting in the future......
Very cute pictures, Mistie. Thanks for posting!
wow- look at that hair - fancy! I don't know if my future daughter(s) will ever have hair that nice. I am curious to know the dog #2 story...
It's so fun to see the new happenings at your house, Mistie. What a delicious looking pie you made. Wow! It is fun to have a friend like you who knows how to cook and bake so well. Your girls's hair is all so pretty! That is amazing. I had a good time seeing you at the park the other night. You are so fun to visit with--anytime!
So fun at the Barfus home! Can I come live there? Inquiring minds want to know what baby number 5 is going to be.
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