On Saturday, we were able to take the kids to their first temple open house at the Oquirrh Mountain temple. The kids enjoyed it and it was a wonderful teaching opportunity for us as parents. How grateful I am for the temple! It makes me so happy to see my children wanting to do the right things so that they can go there someday.

After the open house we went to see my sister, Jenny's, new condo in Pleasant Grove which is only about 15-20 minutes from the temple. It is very cute and she is excited to be a homeowner! We had lunch with Jenny and then went to a bridal shower for my cute soon-to-be sister-in-law, Nikki, at her parents house in Riverton. We finished the day by having dinner with the fam at Golden Corral and going to my cousins wedding reception in West Jordan. Whew! What a day! I really should have taken more pictures, but I didn't take any except for some of Brigham playing with these awesome trucks at the wedding reception. He loved them!

It was a very long, but good, day after which I immediately collapsed into bed without even helping my poor husband bring everything in from the car--and he didn't even complain! He's so good to me. I am really looking forward to having this baby so that I have a little more energy. Only 5 more weeks to go--whoo hoo!
We had another fun day today with my neice Katie at Beus Park in Ogden. It is such a fun place--a duck pond with tons of hungry ducks, a walking path, a playground, swings and a little creek that the kids couldn't resist. They all came home wet and dirty, but they sure had fun! I was wishing I had my camera and afterwards realized it was in my bag the whole time! Oh well...I'll have to take lots of pictures over the 4th of July weekend to make up for my lack of picture taking lately!
1 comment:
Yeah for only five more weeks- you can do it!
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