I'm a few days late in posting this, but I took Hazel to her two week check-up last Tuesday and I wanted to document her growth. She was 7 lbs. 15 oz. (up 7 oz. from her birth weight) and 21 1/2 inches (up 2 inches from her birth length!). She has been such a good baby and has never made me wake up more than twice in the night since the day she came home from the hospital. She doesn't take a binky, but really doesn't need it much since her sisters pick her up the second they hear her make a peep! We'll see what happens when they go to school and there's no one to do that anymore. Brigham seemed to be having a bit of a hard time at first, but is getting better and really loves his baby sister.
I made this little collage of all the kids' baby pictures at approximately the same age. From these pictures I'd say Hazel seems to resemble Rachel (bottom middle) the most, but I also think she resembles the other two quite a bit. Brigham (top left) definitely looks the most boyish and the most different from the others to me. I definitely think Hazel has them all beat as far as the amount of hair that she has. You can't really tell from this picture, but I'm going to try to get a better picture when Ben gets back with the camera. We'll see if it stays--when I was looking at the other kids baby pictures they all appeared to have less and less hair as they progressed through their first few months and they mostly all looked pretty bald by the time they were six months or so. We'll see....anyway it's fun to go back and look at their pictures to see who looks like who.

Top, left to right: Brigham, Emma Bottom, left to right: Hazel, Rachel, Eliza
It is hard to get a picture of this little girl awake so here is cute one that Ben took of Rachel holding Hazel.

Ben has been gone camping in Teton Valley this weekend so it has been very quiet around here with just me and the baby. I was kind of in need of a little break so it has been nice. I got lots of errands done yesterday and today I am just enjoying a very peaceful Sunday. Hopefully, I will be energized enough to face one more week of summer break and then it's back to school! I honestly don't think I've ever been this excited for the kids to go back to school--they are driving each other crazy (which drives me crazy) and I think they could use a little time apart. Thankfully, we have lots of things planned for this coming week so it should keep us busy until they can get back to school!