All three girls were very excited for the first day of a new school year. Although I wasn't there to see it, Ben said that Rachel literally ran out the door and down the steps when her ride came to take her to pre-school. He also said that she went to her first day with peach juice on her shirt because when he tried to get her to change it she informed him "I can't change my shirt--this is what's called 'an outfit' ". She also told him to take a picture "just of my backpack".

Unfortunately, while the girls were at school, the rest of us were at the doctor being checked for strep throat. Not only were the tests positive, but when I told the doctor that my other kids had also been sick the week before I found out that the rash that they had was also a symptom of strep (who knew?) and that they all needed to be treated and could possibly still be contagious! So, basically, we may have single-handedly exposed the entire school and neighborhood to strep over the course of the last week. The school year is off to a great start--my girls are all mad at me because they could not understand why they had to miss the second day of school when they didn't even feel sick, my throat hurts like the dickens and I feel awful for not taking them to the doctor sooner. So, to anyone who has come in contact with us in the past week, please accept my sincere apology. The good news is that our pediatrician wrote out prescriptions for all four kids and me saving me about a hundred bucks worth of co-pays and he also said that Hazel is probably safe because kids under two usually don't get strep. It's been a rough first day, but I figure things can only get better from here on out, right?
1 comment:
Ohhhh, that is the pits, Mistie!!! I feel so bad that you guys got strep at your house! I hope you are feeling much better today. So far so good here. That is so miserable to have happen the first week of school too! But, let's look up from here on out! I loved the cute pics of your girls all decked out for school...what fun! Rachel cracks me up with her comments! :) Hope to see you feeling better!
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