I can't believe Hazel is six months old already! She is still just as sweet as ever and since I don't plan on having another one for a long, long time (if ever) I keep thinking about how sad I'll be when I don't have a baby around anymore. You just can't help being happy when they smile those sweet smiles!

At her six month check-up yesterday Hazel weighed 17 lbs. 3 oz. (73%) and was 26 3/4" (85%). The doctor actually said she was "on the tall side" which seemed very strange for a baby of mine. Hazel is still quite easy in the fact that she isn't at all mobile. She doesn't roll, scoot, crawl....nada. She does, however, grab anything that's within her reach. She especially loves grabbing onto mommy's necklaces and this keeps her quite entertained at church. She has started to really enjoy her saucer and will actually play with all the little gadgets on it. She sucks on her right hand (not her thumb--her hand) which causes her to have a big red mark, but it doesn't seem to bother her at all. She mostly only does it when she's tired because it helps her to fall asleep. She is a great sleeper so mommy doesn't really mind either. She is a very happy baby and usually has smiles for anyone who will pay any attention to her. She especially loves her older sisters and brother and smiles at them all the time, which they love. She makes lots of cute cooing and gurgling noises and she sometimes drools....a lot. She doesn't have any teeth yet, but I'm expecting them any day now. Overall, she is just a joy to have in our home and it's so fun (and sort of sad) to see her grow up.
I feel the tinge of 'I need a baby' each time one hits two. Then when the terrible twos hit, I usually convince myself I don't. Horrible, I know. I'm glad you have a cute baby I can ooh and aah over. She's adorable.
Hazel is such a cutie! I'm happy to hear that she is doing so well.
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