This little girl definitely took her time deciding to walk. She is finally converted after many of weeks of scooting on her bottom, crawling and walking while pushing around chairs, laundry baskets, Brigham's big dump truck and anything else with wheels. She was officially 20 months old on Monday making her (by far) the latest of our kids to start walking, but she would not be rushed. She has been such an easy going girl, but just recently has learned the word "mine!" which she uses frequently. Some other words she says lately are "shoes", "baby", "doggy", "ruff, ruff!", "come here" and "go!" (mostly she uses this one when she wants someone to leave her alone). Brigham told me a couple of days ago that Hazel needs to have a birthday soon because she is getting to be such a big girl. I'm afraid he's right--my baby is growing up.
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