Friday, March 30, 2012

Science Fair

Emma and Eliza participated in their first ever Science Fair this year. It turned out to be a fun experience and only a little stressful for mom;)

Eliza chose to grow sugar crystals for her science project. We experimented with using different types of sugars (brown, powdered, granulated) and different types of flavoring (cinnamon and lime). The best part for Eliza: she got to eat her project when the science fair was over!
Emma worked with her friend Becca Clark on an experiment where they tested the difference between baking soda and baking powder. They made three different batches of muffins: one made with baking powder only, one made with baking soda only and one made with both. The muffins were yummy and the results were really interesting. Even I learned something!Overall, I'd say our first science fair was a success and they both did a great job!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Watchman on the tower

Emma gave a great FHE lesson the Monday before conference about the parable of the watchman on the tower. She taught us about how the prophets and apostles are watchmen for us and can warn and teach us about things that we need to know about in our day. The kids had fun building towers out of marshmallows and toothpicks.We had a great conference weekend and tried some new ways to get the kids actively listening to conference although I didn't get pictures of any of them. In addition to our normal conference packets we had a "conference wall" and apostle cards. We also laminated a picture from the last conference Ensign of general authorities and took turns finding the speakers and putting a star on their picture. Some things worked better than others--I am learning that it is a lot of work to try and get the kids to listen to conference. It is always a wonderful weekend though and we get what we can from it, then go back and read what we missed in the Ensign!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our Spring Break

Here are the kids on the first day of spring break:Here are the kids at the end of spring break:
Crazy, huh? The kids were so ecstatic that it actually snowed for the first time this winter the Monday of spring break. I'm sure they couldn't have thought of a more fun way to start the week. The cold weather didn't last past Tuesday though and by the end of the week it was nearly 90 degrees! We also had lots of fun in-between: shopping in Tucson and a playdate at Brett and Amanda's, playing with Rachel Efros at her store, dilly bars at Dairy Queen, a picnic at Thatcher park, dinner with the sister missionaries and the Arbizos, two birthday parties and science projects! Whew! Good thing we decided to spend a quiet week at home instead of going somewhere;)