Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mommy-Daughter Date

I have a tradition of taking my kids out on their birthday, but this year we kind of got busy around Eliza's birthday and didn't get to do that. So ever since then she's been saying "Mom, when are we going to go on out date?". Well, yesterday I spent the whole day with Ellie and she finally got her date.
We went to the Dinosaur Park with her kindergarten class,
had lunch at Rainbow Gardens,
and went to a doctor's appointment, which Eliza actually thought was fun because she got to see pictures of the baby on the ultrasound machine. Anyway, it's always fun for me to have one on one time with my kids no matter what we are doing.
These darling benches were outside the restaurant and Eliza wanted a picture on each of them. Isn't she sweet?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Guess what's missing?

This actually happened a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't even think about posting about it, so I'm doing it now. Better late than never, right? Eliza lost her first tooth! This is a very big deal when you're six. She actually held on to it for a couple of days just so that she could show it off. Truth be told, I don't think she could bear to part with her first tiny baby tooth and would have gladly forfeited the tooth fairy money. Unfortunately, she ended up losing the tooth somewhere around the house and was quite devastated. The tooth fairy graciously left her a dollar after her sister helped her compose a note explaining the whole situation. I think she is still holding onto the hope that the tooth fairy will let her keep her next tooth and, hopefully, next time she can hold on to it!

Note: For those of you who might find this information useful, I suggest using a small Ziploc baggie, NOT an envelope to store those tiny baby teeth. This was a hard lesson to learn after Eliza's experience and after crawling on the floor many a time looking for teeth that Emma had dropped somewhere in that darn shaggy carpet!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day/Birthday to me!

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." --Abraham Lincoln
These two women truly are my two most favorite mothers. My own mother has been such an influence for good in my life and truly understands me better then anyone I've ever known. And her own mother, who helped prepare her to be such a wonderful mother and who inspires me to be grateful for each day and for all that the Lord has blessed me with. Thank you and I love you both so much!
On this mother's day I feel very blessed to be the mother to these four precious children. I also have a pretty great husband who did all he could to make this mother's day/birthday special for me. Thanks for a great day! I love you Ben!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm a big kid now!

It's official! My baby's not a baby anymore. Brigham turned 2 years old today, so I decided that we would play all day. We started out by doing a little shopping with my mom and going out to lunch. After that, we hit the park where Brigham showed off his skills on the playground equipment.

When Ben got home, we visited a petting zoo in Tremonton that one of Ben's co-worker's sons was doing for his Eagle project. The kids loved seeing all the animals, especially the baby chicks. Brigham even loved the dogs that were running around the farm.
Of course, the day ended with cake and presents.
Whew! What a fun day! I am so grateful for my sweet baby boy (he'll still be my baby for the next three months until that new little one arrives and he ages overnight!).