Sunday, September 27, 2009

Random pictures!

Hazel has started smiling and it's so cute! We are constantly trying to make her smile because we just can't get enough of it!
Eliza is losing teeth like crazy! She has lost all four of her front teeth and only one has grown in so she may be singing "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" this year!Here is another cute picture I took of Hazel a few weeks ago. She will be two months old tomorrow so you can expect lots more pictures of this little sweetheart!
This picture got lost somewhere on my camera and I was finally able to retrieve it. The girls went to a "cooking party" for one of our favorite neighborhood friends' birthday. They had a great time!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fun times!

On Labor Day, we went to this fun little park in Ogden with my parents and grandma. It has a pond with a walking path that goes all the way around it and lots of ducks that love to be fed. The kids had such a blast when we went earlier this summer, but I forgot to take my camera so I took lots of pictures this time. They especially love this cute little stream that is perfect for wading and is full of acorns, rocks and other interesting treasures that the kids have fun collecting.

Isn't this picture precious?
It was a fun day and it was nice to spend it with grandma, grandpa and great grandma. I hope people don't get too sick of all the pictures I post of my kids. I can't help it, I just think they're so darn cute!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More pictures!

After all that work I did on Emma's dress, I couldn't resist another opportunity to take pictures. So we got out the camera again on Sunday morning and got some cute pictures of all the kids. Here are some of my favorites:

A Baptism and a blessing

Emma has been looking forward to her baptism day for a long time and it just happened to work out that we were able to bless Hazel the same day! Thanks to all our friends and family who were able to share this special day with us!

Since Emma was the only child being baptized in our ward this month, we got to plan the whole program. I did a special spotlight all about Emma, each of her grandpas gave a talk, and she chose to sing "When I Am Baptized" with some of her friends from the neighborhood. Ben was feeling very proud and a little emotional as he baptized his little girl. Emma was so cute after she was confirmed. She said, "I was just crying the whole time because I was so happy!" I am so proud of her and I can hardly believe that she's growing up so fast!
Hazel Jane was blessed by her daddy immediately following the baptism. He did a great job!
We had lunch at our house after the baptism and the girls got a chance to hang out with their cousins, Sammy and Celeste.All in all, a great day!