Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween is here!

This past week was filled with non-stop Halloween fun: the Enchanted woods at the Treehouse, a party at the library, a carnival at the church, and a pumpkin alley at the fairgrounds. I spent all day at the school yesterday helping with class parties and was totally pooped by the end of the day! After all the build-up, Halloween has finally arrived.
Here’s the line-up:

The mystical mermaid,

the adorable fairy,
the spunky cheerleader,

and the spooky skeleton.
(I chased Brigham around with the camera trying to get a good shot. This was the best I got.)

Halloween's not my favorite holiday, but I must admit.....I love dressing them up!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Fun

Last Friday night we went the Enchanted Woods at the Treehouse Children's Museum. The girls had fun dressing up and going on their "quest" through the museum.

Brigham had fun wandering and he was so darn cute toddling around in his little skeleton costume!