Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Emma's Piano Recital

I have been such a slacker lately with my blog, but I am forcing myself to do this post of Emma's piano recital last Thursday. In my defense, besides having to deal with the everyday nausea and fatigue of pregnancy, I have had a stomach flu, cold, sinus infection and now another cold in the past month basically turning me into a useless lump who sits around on the couch all day. (Yes, that was a shameless plug for some sympathy, although it might be my husband who deserves the sympathy!)

Emma has been taking piano lessons from her grandma for a year now and I think she's doing very well. She doesn't always love practicing, but she doesn't want to quit yet so, hopefully, she'll keep it up!

Here she is with my mom after the recital.

Monday, January 12, 2009

New name and a new addition!

So now you all know we are expecting baby number five! We are very excited although I think we could have planned a little bit better than another August due date (August 10th, Emma's birthday, to be precise). I am pretty much counting on a July baby, but that is ions away so I really shouldn't be thinking that far ahead! I was also trying to think of a real name for my blog over the Christmas holiday. I was brainstorming with my family and mentioned that I want to play on the "Barfus" name. In case you don't know, barfuss translates to "barefoot" in German and when my sister suggested the name Barefoot and Pregnant it seemed very appropriate! Anyway, we'll see if it sticks!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

My sister's birthday is on New Years Day. She hates it. This year, though, I think it turned out to be a pretty good day. It was our last chance to hang out with Todd and Heather before they headed back to Washington so we had a birthday lunch in Jenny's honor. I was in charge of the menu (tortilla soup) and my mom made triffle. Yum! It was a great way to welcome in the new year!
Later, we attended a girls only (as if we could convince the boys to come!) viewing of Twilight. Happy birthday Jen!

Riding the train to Temple Square

So I lost my camera in the black hole that is the van and so I didn't get around to posting these until today. (I honestly don't usually let it get that bad, but it's just so darn cold outside!) Anyway, we rode the light rail down to SLC last week with Nathan and Eve, my parents, Matt, Mic and Todd and Brienna to see the lights on temple square. I don't know if I would have taken the train with kids under any other circumstances, but they had a blast being with their cousins and that was half the fun.