Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter and moving!

We are excited to be embarking on a brand new adventure. We will be moving (again) to Oxnard, CA! This was kind of a scary decision to make since I never in my life imagined we would be moving to southern California, but we feel very strong that it's what the Lord wants our family to do right now. And I know our family will be blessed for doing His will.

In light of our impending move, we had a nice, but very hectic Easter weekend. Ben has been working like a madman trying to get everything done before he leaves next weekend. We did have a delicious Easter dinner with Matt and Nikki, David and Ruth and fam over at the Van Scoyk's house. We are going to miss all of them so much and have enjoyed having them close by!

1 comment:

Lines Family said...

We are going to miss your family so much. I am sure that you love living in Oxnard though.