Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our Friday Field Trip

We had a fun field trip last Friday to the Church History Museum and Temple Square.


Micah and Jen said...

for some crazy reason your blog won't show up on my computer....just the pics show up but nothing else. I have to use Micah's to see yours! Anyhow, just catching up on what you guys have been up too!!! Looks like you have been busy and hopefully you're feeling good. I know how awful it is to be pregnant in the summer and my heart goes out to you! :) Hope to see you guys at one of the reunions coming up....if you make it! :)

Toots said...

This was a really nice outing! Thanks for planning it, Mistie. I had a good time and Karina wants to go back to hold the dolls again. :)

Eve said...

How are you Mistie? We're still waiting for baby news. Hang in there!!! (No wonder he hasn't come yet. You don't even look pregnant in that picture.)

I bet it's something about the background you chose that's keeping some of us from seeing the other parts of your blog. It's like it never finishes downloading. We only get to the bright red part and that's where it stays.