Monday, November 22, 2010

The Kimball Branch

A few weeks ago, the stake president, President Sanders, called us into his office and asked if we would accept a call to serve in the Spanish Branch in our Stake. We were not totally sure why we were meeting with the stake president, but we kind of figured it might have something to do with the Spanish Branch because we had recently been talking to Eliza's soccer coach and his wife about how they were members of the Spanish branch and the possibility of us coming there. We were surprised, however, that they also called Matt and Nikki at the same time to see if they would be willing to attend as well. We all said we would be willing to go and I think both Matt and Ben are excited at the prospect of using their Spanish and associating with the Latin members in our valley. (So even though we no longer live in the same house, we will still be attending church with Matt and Nikki. So too bad if they wanted to get rid of us;)) As for me, I have mixed feelings about attending the branch. I know that this can be a wonderful growing experience for our family, but I also really loved the 5th ward. We felt very strongly that we should buy a house in this neighborhood partly because we wanted to stay in the ward. But, for now, the Lord has other plans for us and we'll just look at it as an exciting new adventure for our family! I know that if we let it be, this will be a great opportunity for our family to not only learn about another culture, but, more importantly, for us to serve the Lord and His children. Wish us luck!

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