Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy weekend

So we had a very full weekend and I kept thinking I would get some cute pictures, but it just didn't happen. On Friday we went to movie night at the kids' school and watched Kung Fu Panda. It was fun although we missed the beginning and we were all a little lost until about three quarters of the way through the movie. (I think it helped a little when I actually explained to the girls what Kung Fu is.) Saturday we went to the matinee of Peter Pan at the high school . It was really quite good and the girls' liked seeing how they made them fly. My cousin Jeremy played Captain Hook and did a great job as always. I was hoping that I get a cute picture of him with the girls to post, but we never actually even got to talk to Jeremy--he must just think he's too good for us;) We spent the evening at my parents house so that Ben could watch the BYU/U game which turned out to be a rather disappointing game. And today we hosted our very first (early) Thanksgiving dinner with Ben's family. I was up by 6:00 this morning getting myself ready for church so that we could bathe the kids, feed them breakfast, make rolls, put the turkey in the roaster, put the ham in the oven and get all the girls' hair done so that I could get to choir practice by 10:30. And I actually made it! Whew! It was all worth it though because it was so nice to have Ben's family over and dinner was delicious thanks to everyone's help. So that was our very busy weekend and it's time to start another week. I keep thinking I'm going to have some free time to read or sleep in or something, but maybe that's going to have to wait until after the holidays. Oh well.

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