Monday, January 12, 2009

New name and a new addition!

So now you all know we are expecting baby number five! We are very excited although I think we could have planned a little bit better than another August due date (August 10th, Emma's birthday, to be precise). I am pretty much counting on a July baby, but that is ions away so I really shouldn't be thinking that far ahead! I was also trying to think of a real name for my blog over the Christmas holiday. I was brainstorming with my family and mentioned that I want to play on the "Barfus" name. In case you don't know, barfuss translates to "barefoot" in German and when my sister suggested the name Barefoot and Pregnant it seemed very appropriate! Anyway, we'll see if it sticks!


The Barfus' said...

congratulations! I am so happy for you guys! oh and I like the name of your blog! :)

Tito said...

Number 15!!!! WOW!!!!! Now I know why Ben wanted us to check the blog! We are excited!!

Kirsten Stanger said...

Congrats!! I admit that I was suspicious when you blogged about "being under the weather" a few weeks ago. That's exciting. You go girl.

ErinB said...

You're amazing! No one else could pull it off!

Toots said...

Wow! I just thought I would check your blog tonight and now I'm glad I did. I have been wondering if you were feeling have looked kind of tired the last couple times I've seen you. Now, I know why! Well, a big Congratulations from me. :) That is wonderful news!!! You have such a beautiful family already. I hope to get to know you more and more. How are you feeling?

Sunshine Designed said...

Boy? Girl? What's your best guess?
I'm excited for you. Congratulations!

Heather said...

Number 5- wow! How exciting. Are we hoping for another boy? I don't know how you juggle it all but you do, and you do it well! When I have #2 I will call you for tips! :0) Hope this pregnancy goes well for you! Like the new name- and you can always change it later- I change up my blog all the time!