Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year--Old project

2011 has been delightfully relaxed and unscheduled--so far. I've even had time to finish a few long-neglected projects. I've had plans to make a cute awning window treatment in the girls room ever since we moved in, but it was put on the backburner with all the craziness that was 2010. I'm happy to say that I finally got the awning done and was able to check it off my to-do list. Love that feeling!


Toots said...

Wow, how creative, Mistie! I've never seen anything like that on the inside of a window before. It's really cute for the girls's room. Eliza looks so happy!
Good for you to actually have some time to do projects you've wanted to tackle. Isn't January nice that way? Slow and calm.

mom said...

That is adorable! Nice job. It took me 5 years to buy window treatments in this house, so I am very impressed. :)