Sunday, September 12, 2010

Excuses, excuses....

So I have been totally neglecting my blog lately which makes me really sad, but I have two pretty valid reasons. Number one, I lost my camera over a month ago and I have not been able to find it anywhere. I'm pretty much sick over it since I really don't want to have to buy a new one when we need money for so many other things right now. We may have no choice if we don't find it soon though, cuz I need pictures of my kiddos! The second reason is that I started schooling my children at home about a month ago and it has totally consumed my life ever since. I don't think I ever realized how much work homeschool would really be, but I have also realized that there are many more benefits than I ever imagined. To tell the truth, I'm still not totally convinced I can do it, but for now that's what we're doing and I'm just trying to enjoy this time with my children and not think about all of the things I could be getting done. Consequently, blog posts may be a little less frequent for awhile, but I am using Matt and Nikki's camera when I can and trying to feel organized enough that I actually can blog. So, don't give up on me!

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